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MESUE, de re medica libri tres, 1561

Photo MESUE, Yuhanna ibn Masawaih. 

MESUE, Yuhanna ibn Masawaih. 

Ioannis Mesuae Damasceni, de re medica libri tres. 

Paris, Aegidium Gorbinum, 1561.

Un volume in-8 (168x108 mm), (8)-200 feuillets.  reliure : Plein vélin de l'époque, dos lisse portant le titre. Tache sur le premier plat.

Photo MESUE, Yuhanna ibn Masawaih. 

Edition traduite par Jacques Dubois (Sylvius) qui deviendra le texte de référence.
Elle contient l'antidotaire de Mesue, médecin de langue arabe, pharmacopée qui a l'originalité d'introduire pour la première fois le sucre dans la pharmacopée occidentale.
Les Arabes eurent accès à cette denrée rare qui était cultivée en Inde à travers leurs conquête en Perse.
"Le sucre fait donc son entrée sur les tables médiévales grâce aux pharmaciens" (Liliane Plouvier , "L'introduction du sucre en Pharmacie").

références: Brunet [III, 1675] Garrison-Morton [9415, ed. 1542 : "Dubois, better known as Sylvius, produced a new translation of the complete works of Mesue, which became the standard text, and was reprinted 21 times"] Heirs of Hippocrates [85: "Masawayh al-Mardini (known in the West as Mesuë the Younger) is supposed to have been a Jacobite Christian who lived in the tenth century. Since none of his writings has been found in its original language and no Arabian historian or bibliographer seems to know him, it is now believed that a Latin author (perhaps an Italian) of the early thirteenth century assumed the name of Mesuë, hoping thereby to gain ready recognition for his works under the guise of the ninth century Syrian physician who wrote in Arabic. At any rate, his writings were accepted as genuinely Arabian and held such a place of importance that they went through more than a dozen editions between their first printing in 1471 and 1500."].

Prix : 1000 €

Photo MESUE, Yuhanna ibn Masawaih. 
Photo MESUE, Yuhanna ibn Masawaih. 
Photo MESUE, Yuhanna ibn Masawaih. 
Photo MESUE, Yuhanna ibn Masawaih. 
Photo MESUE, Yuhanna ibn Masawaih. 
Photo MESUE, Yuhanna ibn Masawaih. 
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